Nightlife electronica at The Dublin Castle London, june 2024

Charly Records 50th Birthday Party Saturday 22 June 2024

Sat 22 Jun 2024, 19:30 - The Dublin Castle, London
may have a couple of years or more to go before they hit the Big Five O- but The Dublin Castle, as we
... does the wonderful Charly Records.
Well, let’s have a party and get Jock and co. to headline... dipping into them tonight for the post gig party (free entry after 11pm as usual). Tony Bugbear Killer... gold at a time when those big tunes were rocking warehouse parties but were hard to find. I’ve worn out

Sunday 23 June 2024:
NOTV Sunday 23 June 2024

Sun 23 Jun 2024, 19:30 - The Dublin Castle, London
NOTV - A punkier, shoutier take on Yard Act territory perhaps... Post punk influences to the fore and the enigmatic presence of a be-kilted frontman. Highly enjoyable and right up our Strasse. "We're disco punk and we take influences from artists such as Klaxons, Idles and Talking Heads."
DJ Black Feather takes u thru to 2am on the dance floor.

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